ORCID, short for Open Researcher and Contributor ID is an international, not-for-profit organization and they maintain a registry of unique identifiers (iDs) for authors. Signing up for a ORCID iD will help you to disambiguate your research from others and help you retain authority over your work. Learn more about ORCID and their iDs with their brief video:
What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.
ORCID maintains a registry of unique author identifiers and a database of citations and other author provided data. Signing up for a ORCID iD helps to disambiguate research and helps authors retain authority over their work. Many journal publishers and some funders require an ORCID iD prior to submission. Personal account required for an ORCID iD.
Open your Account Settings to adjust the visibility preferences for the entire ORCID record.
You can also customize the visibility of each item within individual sections.
Using the data added to your ORCID record, you can now easily generate a NIH Biosktetch through SciENcv.