The Last Page series (from Academic Medicine) features concise, one-page infographics related to different components of medical education research.
The Twelve Tips series (from Medical Teacher) provides practical advice in the form of twelve short hints or tips on selected topics.
Search PubMed MEDLINE for all documents in the Twelve Tips series.
From the AAMC:
Medical education research aims to advance the knowledge, skills, and professionalism of medical students by understanding and evaluating educational ecosystems. These ecosystems include policies related to admissions and curriculum, people who serve as teachers and mentors, instructional technology and other resources, the attitudes that pervade a given institution or educational experience, and even the students themselves. Ultimately, research in medical education is conducted to:Atluru A, Wadhwani A, Maurer K, et al. Research in medical education: A primer for medical students. Association of American Medical Colleges. Published April 2015. Accessed May 17, 2018.