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The Graduate Health & Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University Medical Center

Image Use

This guide will help you determine how to use images in both academia and publishing.

More Information?

eBook collections

A large number of DML eBook collections allow for the use of images for teaching purposes. Users can download teaching slides available from the publisher and then mix/match. The teaching slides that are downloaded retain both the copyright and citation information. 

For example, below is an image from one of DML's AccessMedicine textbooks. 

 example of image available from AccessMedicine, one of the resources in DML's collection

Click Download Slide (.ppt) to get the image below. As you can see, the citation and copyright information are retained: 

Select download slide in order to download the image to a powerpoint presentation

DML eBook collections that are available for image use in the classroom:


The purpose of this guide is to provide resource and information for resolving image use questions. This research guide does not supply legal advice nor is it intended to replace the advice of legal counsel. 

Avoid Journal Article Paywalls

The Lean Library browser extension connects you to  DML owned articles, databases and eBooks.