The Lean Library browser extension connects you to DML owned articles, databases and eBooks.
Search for articles, books and other information resources with a single search. For more focused, precise searching, utilize one of the subject specific databases listed below.
The following databases are your best bets when you are trying to locate articles and research pertaining to aging. View the Search Terms page for suggestions on controlled vocabularly terms to use in the search strategy.
START HERE if you want to research a topic. If you want to find a particular journal, click on the Journals link on the left.
Abstracts the literature of social gerontology as well as aging-related research from psychology, sociology, social work, economics, public policy, and the health sciences. Added functionality available with personal account.
Virtual reality simulation that allows users to empathize on a deeper level by experiencing various diseases and life stages through the eyes of the patient. Personal account using an or email account and Chrome browser required.
International psychiatry and mental health articles, reports, books and dissertations. Added functionality available with personal account.
Citations and abstracts to the biomedical literature, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care. Added functionality available with personal account. Good for foreground questions.
PubMed is comprised of millions of citations for the biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Also provides access to other National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) services for biomedical and genomic information. Added functionality available with personal account. Good for foreground questions.
Biomedical research, toxicology, medical devices and pharmacology citations and abstracts. Added functionality available with personal account.
Nursing and allied health journal citations, full-text articles, video content, CNE, care sheets and quick lessons. Added functionality available with personal account. Good for background and foreground questions.
The following relevant search terms/subject headings may be assistive in searching the databases listed in this guide or on the DML Databases A to Z page.
MeSH Terms
Cognitive Aging
Healthy Aging
Geriatric Assessment
Geriatric Nursing
Geriatric Psychiatry
Life Expectancy
APA PsycINFO Thesaurus
Aging (Attitudes Toward)
Aging in Place
Cognitive Aging
Healthy Aging
Physiological Aging
Life Expectancy
Older Adulthood
CINAHL Ultimate Thesaurus
Aging in Place
Cognitive Aging
Gerontologic Nursing
Healthy Life Expectancy
Life Expectancy