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Dahlgren Memorial Library journal subscription directory for biomedical, nursing and clinical support. Added functionality available with personal account.
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"Anesthesiology"[Journal] OR "Br J Anaesth"[Journal] OR "Pain"[Journal] OR "Anaesthesia"[Journal] OR "Eur J Anaesthesiol"[Journal] OR "Anesth Analg"[Journal] OR "Int J Obstet Anesth"[Journal] OR "Can J Anaesth"[Journal] OR "J Neurosurg Anesthesiol"[Journal] OR "Clin J Pain"[Journal] OR "Pain Med"[Journal] OR "Pain Physician"[Journal] OR "J Clin Monit Comput"[Journal] OR "Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med"[Journal] OR "Pain Pract"[Journal] OR "J Clin Anesth"[Journal] OR "BMC Anesthesiol"[Journal] OR "J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth"[Journal] OR "Anesthesiol Clin"[Journal]