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The Graduate Health & Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University Medical Center

Research in the Health Sciences

Working through the research process involves many integrated steps: creating a research question, performing a literature review, submitting IRB forms, gaining funding, analyzing results, and publishing. We have resources and services to help!

Georgetown IRB Quick Links

Reference Shelft

Moving through the IRB Process...

The IRB, or Institutional Review Board, provides an approval process for all biomedical, social, and behavioral research conducted at Georgetown.  In order to protect human subjects and comply with Federal law and institutional policy, the Board requires the following criteria for IRB Approval:

  1. The risks to subjects are minimized as much as possible.
  2. The risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits.
  3. The informed consent is adequate.
  4. Where appropriate, the research plan makes provisions for the safety of the subjects during the data collection process.
  5. Where appropriate, there are adequate provisions to protect the privacy of subjects and maintain confidentiality of data.
  6. Appropriate safeguards are included within the study to protect the rights and welfare of the vulnerable subjects.

(List taken from

Many researchers dread the IRB Process, but having information helps your approval move more smoothly & quickly!

Some research may be exempt from the IRB approval process, if it meets certain criteria.

Preparing for the GUMC IRB!

IRB Contacts

There are five individual IRB Committees at GUMC. The links below provide current membership listings & scheduled meeting dates.

IRB Reference Resources