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The Graduate Health & Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University Medical Center

Test Preparation Guide

This LibGuide is to direct patrons to the our current resources to help them prepare for their various certification exams. This includes three institutional USMLE test preparation resources and a myriad of texts (online/print) for various specialties

Other tests

While much of the test preparation resources that DML provides are for medical students and are USMLE focused, some of our online resources and print titles support other future healthcare professionals.

As you will note ot the right, we have support for nursing, pharmacy, and physician's assistant, as well as Shelf Exams for medical specialties. 

What's available?

Online the following are available:

  • Shelf Exams
    These exams are unique to BoardVitals Medical students can select subject exams in Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, OBGYN, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and/or Surgery. Check out the BoardVitals tab above for access information, including setting up new accounts.


To find out what print resources might be available to support other test, check the Textbook-based Preparation tab. The "Where to find books..." provides guidance to maximize or focus your search results within the DML Catalog.

Grant's Profile

Profile Photo
Grant Connors
Associate Director of Education Services

Dahlgren Memorial Library

3900 Reservoir Rd, NW

Washington, DC 20057
Subjects: Accessibility