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The Graduate Health & Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University Medical Center

Test Preparation Guide

This LibGuide is to direct patrons to the our current resources to help them prepare for their various certification exams. This includes three institutional USMLE test preparation resources and a myriad of texts (online/print) for various specialties


Welcome to the Dahlgren Memorial Library test preparation guide!

The pages of this guide will let you know what resources are available and how to access and use the various online tools DML has purchased for you.  In addition to the electronic resources, we still have a wealth of print study guides that you can check out as you prepare for a variety of certification and specialty exams.  In addition to TWO extensive question banks to help medical students and residents prepare for their USMLE Steps 1, 2, and/or 3, Dahlgren Memorial Library has added the First Aid for USMLE collection for 2023!

There is also a list of other resources that are available to purchase for your personal use.

Good luck!

More than test prep...

While this guide is to help you find resources that will support your preparation for USMLE, Shelf, and other certification exams, these tools can offer more.

As you work through modules and various domains during your pre-clinical years, these resources can be used to help you review your knowledge while also helping you get a feel for how scenarios are presented in the various tests.

Some of Your Key Test Preparation Tools

Exam Master Online logo


Board Vitals logo


First Aid for Boards logo


MKSAP 18 logo

DML Quick Links

Grant's Profile

Profile Photo
Grant Connors
Associate Director of Education Services

Dahlgren Memorial Library

3900 Reservoir Rd, NW

Washington, DC 20057
Subjects: Accessibility