Essential Dermatology in Pigmented Skin: VisualDx by Lowell A. Goldsmith (Editor); Art Papier (Editor); Lugo-Somolinos AidaISBN: 9781451116052
Publication Date: 2011-07-07
Associate Professor Division of Dermatology/Dermatology Residency Program GUH
Resident in Dermatology and Internal Medicine, GUH
Resident in Dermatology, GUH
Resident in Dermatology and Internal Medicine, GUH
Resident in Dermatology and Internal Medicine, GUH
Resident in Dermatology, GUH
Resident in Dermatology, GUH
Resident in Dermatology, GUH
Resident in Dermatology and Internal Medicine, GUH
Resident in Dermatology and Internal Medicine, GUH
Resident in Dermatology and Internal Medicine, GUH
Division of Dermatology, GUH
Division of Dermatology, GUH
Resident in Dermatology and Internal Medicine, GUH
Resident in Dermatology and Internal Medicine, GUH
Resident in Dermatology, GUH
Division of Dermatology, GUH
Resident in Dermatology, GUH
Assistant Professor, Division of Dermatology/Dermatology Residency Program, GUH