Since Grey Literature isn't usually found in traditional databases (such as MEDLINE or CINAHL), you need to broaden your scope and consider other sources. Even Google Scholar won't include many grey sources, so depending on your topic of interest, explore other options such as the below tabbed grouping:
Access curated, peer-reviewed learning materials, assignments and presentations in the health and life sciences and other disciplines. Members may also create content on the site. Added functionality available with personal account.
Provides access to research articles made available before the formal publication in a journal (preprints) from arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv, medRxiv and respositories. Added functionality available with personal account.
Conducting a Web search and limiting to "" can be a good way to start looking for governmentally-produced gray literature. However, it's good to have some of these sites already on your radar.
Database of up-to-date information for locating federally and privately supported clinical trials for clinicians and patients.
Find both intramural and extramural National Institutes of Health-funded research projects, publications and patents. See also the Federal RePORTER.
Database of up-to-date information for locating federally and privately supported clinical trials for clinicians and patients.
Database of controlled trials created as part of an international effort to create an unbiased, quality controlled source of data for systematic reviews. Added functionality available with personal account.