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The Graduate Health & Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University Medical Center

Health Justice Scholars Resource Guide

Exploring Search Terms for MEDLINE (via Ovid or PubMed)

Health Justice is a broad theme that can include many complex concepts. This page introduces concepts that may assist in your search for Health Justice literature. The concepts offered and the lists of MeSH terms provided within them are neither complete nor exhaustive. Use the concepts introduced below as a starting point to brainstorm terms to use in your searches.

General instructions for exploring MeSH terms:

  • Choose a thematic concept grouping below
  • Click the link at the top of each section to explore full MeSH heirarchies (outlines/trees).
    • The link will take you to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) MeSH browser page for the term you clicked on. Choose the "MeSH Tree Structures" tab to view the full MeSH tree (see image below).

screenshot of MeSH browser page


Click on the plus sign (+) to the right of a term to expand the outline and view related MeSH terms (see images below).


MeSH outline on MeSH browser



Expanded MeSH outline on MeSH browser page


Follow best practices (see above) to use terms to build searches in your database of choice.

Select List of MeSH Terms Grouped by Concept

Search Concept Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): A Select List
Legal and Policy Terms

Human Rights [see Human Rights MeSH tree structures for more terms]
Child Advocacy
Civil Rights
Patient Rights
Reproductive Rights
Right to Health
Social Justice

Jurisprudence [see Jurisprudence MeSH tree structures for more terms]
Legal Services

Legislation as Topic [see Legislation as Topic MeSH tree structures for more terms]
Legislation, Drug
Legislation, Medical
Legislation, Hospital
Legislation, Nursing

Patient Advocacy [see Patient Advocacy MeSH tree structures for more terms]
Public Policy
Health Policy

Equity and Disparities

Health Services Accessibility [see Health Services Accessibility MeSH tree structures for more terms]
Access to Primary Care
Health Equity
Right to Health

Health Inequities [see Health Inequities MeSH tree structures for more terms]
Gender Equity
Health Status Disparities
Healthcare Disparities
Socioeconomic Disparities in Health

"Health Services Needs and Demands" [see Health Services Needs and Demands MeSH tree structures for more terms]
Medically Underserved Area

Socioeconomic Factors [see Socioeconomic Factors MeSH tree structures for more terms]
Economic Factors
Social Factors

Psychological and/or Sociological Factors Psychology, Social [see Psychology, Social MeSH tree for more terms]
Interpersonal Relations
Life Style
Social Norms

Social Behavior [see Social Behavior MeSH tree for more terms]
Sexual Harassment
Social Discrimination
Social Dominance
Social Isolation

Social Control, Formal [see Social Control, Formal MeSH tree for more terms]
Capital Punishment
Government Regulation
Human Rights
Involuntary Treatment
Law Enforcement
Legislation, Drug
Patient Advocacy

Social Problems [see Social Problems MeSH tree for more terms]
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Child Labor
Emotional Abuse
Human Rights Abuses

Social Welfare [see Social Welfare MeSH tree for more terms]
Child Welfare
Community Integration
Foster Home Care
Maternal Welfare
Relief Work

Sociological Factors [see Sociological Factors MeSH tree for more terms]
Ethnic and Racial Minorities
Minority Groups
Social Conditions
Social Environment
Sociodemographic Factors
Socioeconomic Factors

Population and Demographic Characteristics

Gender Identity [see Gender Identity MeSH tree for more terms]

Persons [ see Persons MeSH tree for more terms]
Crime Victims
Disabled Persons
Disaster Victims
Drug Users
Emigrants and Immigrants
Health Disparate Minority and Vulnerable Populations
Occupational Groups
Population Groups
Sex Workers
Transients and Migrants
Working Poor

Population Dynamics [see Population Dynamics MeSH tree for more terms]
Health Transition
Human Migration
Population Control
Population Growth

Population Groups [see Population Groups MeSH tree for more terms]
African People
Asian People
Black People
Central American People
Middle Eastern and North Africans
South American People

Sociological Factors [see Sociological Factors MeSH tree for more terms]
Ethnic and Racial Minorities
Minority Groups
Social Conditions
Social Environment
Sociodemographic Factors
Socioeconomic Factors


Searching Other Databases for Population Health Literature

The Global Health database brings together the Public Health and Tropical Medicine (PHTM) database and the human health and diseases information extracted from CAB Abstracts. It covers the following aspects of human health and disease: communicable, tropical and parasitic diseases, human nutrition, community and public health, medicinal and poisonous plants, and more.

Subject Headings:

  • ​Community Health Services
  • Community Health
  • Community Involvement
  • Community Nutrition
  • Community Programs
  • Demography
  • Health Behaviour 
    • Used For Health Behavior
  • Health Beliefs
  • Health Care Costs
  • Health Education
  • Health Inequalities
    • Used For Health disparities
    • Used For Health disparity
  • Health Promotion
  • Health Protection
  • Health Services
  • Population Dynamics
    • Used For Population change
    • Used For Population distribution
  • Public Health
  • Public Health Legislation 
  • Public Health Services
  • Public Services
  • Quality
    • Used For Quality of Care
    • Used For Quality of Life
  • Screenings
  • Social Welfare
  • WHO 
  • Zoonoses

Cabi Codes:

  • EE118 Health Economics
  • EE120 Policy & Planning
  • UU100 Housing & Settlement
  • UU300 Public Services and Infrastructure
  • UU350 Health Services
  • VV000 Human Health & Hygiene
  • VV550 Diagnosis of Human Disease
  • VV720 Rural health

The Embase database, through Ovid, provides an index to international pharmacological and biomedical literature from around the world. 

Emtree (Subject Headings): 

  • Health Behavior
    • Narrower Term: Health belief
    • Narrower Term: Health belief Model
    • Narrower Term: Attitude to Health
    • Narrower Term: sleep hygiene
    • Narrower Term: drinking behavior
    • Narrower Term: smoking cessation 
  • Health Promotion 
    • Narrower term: Public Health Campaign
  • Health Status
    • Narrower Term: health disparity
    • Narrower Term: Social determinants of health
    • Narrower Term: functional status
  • Health Survey
    • Narrower Term: Health Status Indicator
  • Socioeconomics
    • Narrower Term: digital divide
    • Narrower Term: educational status
    • Narrower Term: income group
    • Narrower Term: Poverty
  • Social Medicine
    • Narrower Term: Public Health
      • Used For: Community Health
      • Used For: Community Health Program
      • Used For: International Health
      • Used For: National Health

The CINAHL database is comprised of information for the subjects of nursing and allied health.

CINAHL Headings:

  • ​Epidemiology    
  • Health & Disease    
    • Narrower Term: Health Status    
    • Narrower Term: Indigenous Health    
    • Narrower Term: Mental Health    
    • Narrower Term: Social Determinants of Health    
  • Health Education    
    • Narrower Term: HIV education    
    • Narrower Term: Nutrition Education    
    • Narrower Term: Health Transition     
  • Minority Groups    
    • Narrower Term: Social Capital    
    • Narrower Term: Social Control    
    • Narrower Term: Social Environment    
    • Narrower Term: Social Networks    
    • Narrower Term: Social Norms    
  • Population     
    • Narrower Terms: Demography    
    • Narrower Terms: Family Characteristics    
    • Narrower Term: Geographic Factors     
    • Narrower Terms: Race Factors    
    • Narrower Term: Sex Factors    
    • Narrower Term: Rural Population    
    • Narrower Term: Suburban Population    
    • Narrower Term: Urban Population     
  • Population Density    
  • Population Surveillance    
  • Preventive Healthcare    
    • Narrower Term: Public Health    
      • Narrower Term: Disease transmission
      •     Narrower Term: Environmental Pollution
      •     Narrower Term: Exposure to Violence
      •     Narrower Term: Epidemiology
      •     Narrower Term: Food Quality
      •     Narrower Term: Health Education
      •     Narrower Term: Health Transition