Consider using the databases listed below with the suggested terms to search for relevant articles. For more help searching, contact a DML librarian.
Note: The term Indian generally refers only to the people of India. However, the terms American Indian, Native American Indian, Native American, Native Peoples, and Indian have been used at different times in history in the United States and may be used in articles. For content on specific tribes or nations, search the specific name, such as Nacotchtank, Cherokee or Cree.
Citations and abstracts to the biomedical literature, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care. Added functionality available with a personal account. Good for foreground questions.
Here are possible MESH (Medical Subject Headings) to use in Medline Ovid::
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH Terms):
Indigenous Peoples
Narrower Term: American Indian or Alaska Native
Health Services, Indigenous
American Indian or Alaska Native
Narrower Term: Indians, North American
Public Health
Narrower Term: Preventive Medicine
Narrower Term: Environmental Medicine
Narrower Term: Occupational Medicine
Narrower Term: Preventive Psychiatry
Narrower Term: Epidemiology
Narrower Term: Molecular Epidemiology
Narrower Term: Pharmacoepidemiology
Narrower Term: Family Health
Narrower Term: Adolescent Health
Narrower Term: Minority Health
Narrower Term: Mental health
Narrower Term: Population health
"Quality of Health Care"
Narrower Term: Clinical Competence
Narrower Term: Guideline Adherence
Narrower Term: Outcome and Process Assessment
"Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation"
Narrower Term: Delivery of Healthcare
Narrower Term: Ethics
Narrower Term: Health Services Research
Health Status Indicators
Population Characteristics:
Narrower Term: Demography
Narrower Term: Health
Narrower Term: Population
Narrower Term: Socioeconomic Factors
Narrower Term: Educational Status
Narrower Term: Employment
Narrower Term: Family Characteristics
Narrower Term: Medical Indigency
Narrower Term: Social Class
PubMed is comprised of millions of citations for the biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Also provides access to other National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) services for biomedical and genomic information. Added functionality available with personal account. Good for foreground questions.
Here are possible MESH (Medical Subject Headings) to use in PubMed: Medline:
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH Terms):
Indigenous Peoples
Narrower Term: American Indian or Alaska Native
Narrower Term: Indians, Central American
Narrower Term: Indians, North American
Narrower Term: Indians, South American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Narrower Term: Indians, Central American
Narrower Term: Indians, North American
Narrower Term: Alaska Natives
Narrower Term: Indigenous Canadians
Narrower Term: Navajo People
Narrower Term: Pima People
Health Services, Indigenous
Indigenous Services, Health
Health Indigenous Service
Health Indigenous Services
Indigenous Service, Health
Service, Health Indigenous
Services, Health Indigenous
Indigenous Health Services
Health Service, Indigenous
Indigenous Health Service
Service, Indigenous Health
Services, Indigenous Health
Indigenous Medicine
Indigenous Population
Indigenous Populations
Medicine, Indigenous
Population, Indigenous
Public Health
Narrower Term: Preventive Medicine
Narrower Term: Environmental Medicine
Narrower Term: Occupational Medicine
Narrower Term: Preventive Psychiatry
Narrower Term: Epidemiology
Narrower Term: Molecular Epidemiology
Narrower Term: Pharmacoepidemiology
Narrower Term: Family Health
Narrower Term: Adolescent Health
Narrower Term: Minority Health
Narrower Term: Mental health
Narrower Term: Population health
"Quality of Health Care"
Narrower Term: Clinical Competence
Narrower Term: Guideline Adherence
Narrower Term: Outcome and Process Assessment
Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation"
Narrower Term: Delivery of Healthcare
Narrower Term: Ethics
Narrower Term: Health Services Research
Health Status Indicators
Population Characteristics:
Narrower Term: Demography
Narrower Term: Health
Narrower Term: Population
Narrower Term: Socioeconomic Factors
Narrower Term: Educational Status
Narrower Term: Employment
Narrower Term: Family Characteristics
Narrower Term: Medical Indigency
Narrower Term: Social Class
Nursing and allied health journal citations and full-text articles. Added functionality available with personal account. Good for background and foreground questions.
Here are possible CINAHL Headings to use in CINAHL:
Native Americans
Narrower Terms: Alaska Natives
Narrower Terms: Navajo Persons
Indigenous Peoples
Health Services, Indigenous
Indigenous Health
Public Health
Narrower Terms: Disease Transmission
Narrower Terms: Health Education
Health & Disease
Narrower Term: Health Status
Narrower Term: Indigenous Health
Narrower Term: Mental Health
Narrower Term: Social Determinants of Health
Health Education
Narrower Term: HIV education
Narrower Term: Nutrition Education
Narrower Term: Health Transition
Minority Groups
Narrower Term: Social Capital
Narrower Term: Social Control
Narrower Term: Social Environment
Narrower Term: Social Networks
Narrower Term: Social Norms
Narrower Terms: Demography
Narrower Terms: Family Characteristics
Narrower Term: Geographic Factors
Narrower Terms: Race Factors
Narrower Term: Sex Factors
Narrower Term: Rural Population
Narrower Term: Suburban Population
Narrower Term: Urban Population
Population Density
Population Surveillance
Preventive Healthcare
Narrower Term: Public Health
Narrower Term: Disease transmission
Narrower Term: Environmental Pollution
Narrower Term: Exposure to Violence
Narrower Term: Epidemiology
Narrower Term: Food Quality
Narrower Term: Health Education
Narrower Term: Health Transition
A geographic information system (GIS) tool for data visualization and mapping a variety of topics including social determinants of health, demographics, health, quality of life and employment. Added functionality available with personal account.
Here are possible terms to use in PolicyMap:
American Indian
Alaska Native
Native American
Large Collection
2007 to the Present
Updated as needed