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The Graduate Health & Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University Medical Center

Finding Full Text Journal Articles

This LibGuide provides directions on how to find the full text of articles from our Journal Finder and databases.


Welcome to the Finding Full Text Resource Guide! 

In the following sections we will go over how to find full text from Dahlgren Memorial Library's Journal Finder, from our databases, and what to do if you are an affiliate of the School of Nursing or the School of Health Studies. Each section will begin with a brief introduction and a decision tree to help you understand the process. The sub-pages go over the individual steps, provide the appropriate search box, and helpful tutorials. 

DML also provides the Lean Library browser extension and "Access through your institution",  two options that streamline full text content access.  Learn more about both of these using the links to the left.

As always, you can email if you have any questions.


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Dahlgren Memorial Library
3900 Reservoir Rd, NW
Washington, DC 20057