DML's Journal Finder is a list of all the electronic journals offered by Dahlgren Memorial Library. Search the Journal Finder when you have a citation and are trying to obtain the full text of an article or if you have a specific journal title in mind for your research. If you have a subject area that you need to research use one of the many DML Databases (ex. PubMed, CINAHL, Ovd MEDLINE) to obtain a list of citations.
Open a browser to our Home Page and click on the link for Journal Finder. If you are not on campus, you will be asked to login using your GU NetID and password.
If for example you want to find the following article:
Eberhard, M. L., & Ruiz-‐‐Tiben, E. (2014). Cutaneous emergence of eustrongylides in two persons from South Sudan. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 90(2), 315-‐‐317. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.13-‐‐0638
Enter the name of the journal, The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, into the search box within the DML Journal Finder and click on the Search button.
If DML owns the title, the DML Journal Finder will list the years and type of access (print or full text online) available to you. Click on the "+" sign to the left of the title to see the details for the subscription. The links listed under Access Information will take you to the online (full text) access. The journal link will take you to either a publisher's website or a database where you can navigate to the article. Sometimes there is access in multiple online locations.
Dahlgren Memorial Library journal subscription directory for biomedical, nursing and clinical support. Added functionality available with personal account.
Another great resource that our Journal Finder has is Citation Matcher. You can use the Citation Matcher tool to find citations. At the top of the page, you can do a "Textual Search". It is recommended that you put in as much information as you can in the "Textual Search" boxes because the more citation information you provide, the more accurate the tool will be.
On the bottom of the page, you can also enter just a PMID number or DOI.
When finished, select Match, and you will be able to determine the location and type of access available to you.
If you had been unable to find your journal listed in the DML Journal Finder or Citation Matcher, then your next step would be to use DML's Document Delivery service.
Find full text articles in DML's collections and beyond by searching for the PMID, DOI or citation details. Added functionality available with personal account.