If there is a subject area you wish to research, use one of the many DML databases (ex. PubMed MEDLINE, CINAHL, Ovid MEDLINE) to obtain a list of citations. It is important to access Ovid MEDLINE using the links found on Dahlgren Memorial Library website. The Ovid MEDLINE link is unique to DML and has an embedded tool, called a link resolver, to connect you to the full text of articles or other article delivery options. The link resolver can be identified by a small, blue Check for Full Text @ DML icon. Although many databases have the full text available immediately by clicking on the PDF or HTML Full Text link you may need to use the Check for Full Text @ DML icon to pursue further options for obtaining the article. Below are some examples of a citation where the full text is not available immediately.
This is a sample citation from Ovid MEDLINE. Ovid MEDLINE does provide the full text of some articles directly and, if available, that would be indicted by a link to Full Text within the shaded box or a PDF link at the lower right of the citation or reference. That option is not available in this example, therefore the next step is to click on the Check for Full Text @ DML button - .
Once you have clicked on the Check for Full text @ DML button you will be taken to a page similar to the one below. This page will lead you to options for obtaining the full text article. The first area to pay attention to is READ THE FULL TEXT. If you see this section click on the link(s) listed to be taken to the full text online. If you see more than one option listed you can select any of them.
If you see "Dahlgren Memorial Library does not subscribe to this resource", as with the example below, you should use DML's Document Delivery service.