To help you browse applicable journals, we've gathered RSS feeds (and links to all issues) for your field on this page.
If you want to conduct a search for a specific journal not listed here, please access Journal Finder (link below).
If you're trying to research a topic, not limited to one journal, try one of our databases, such as MEDLINE or Web of Science.
As always, if you need help, feel free to contact your liaison.
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When searching most databases, click on the below icon to automatically search for full-text availability (online & print).
Use DML's Journal Finder to search for Journal Titles (online & print).
To find the full text of an article in PubMed or Ovid MEDLINE, simply click on this link:
If the full text does not appear to be available, you can also check our Journal Finder to see if we own the journal, as not all of our journals have full text links in MEDLINE.
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