Once you have determined that you need to obtain permission to use a particular image, a great place to start would be the Copyright Clearance Center or CCC.
The CCC is a tool that allows you to configure a license agreement that fits your particular use or uses within the United States. Depending on the publisher, a fee may be required. It is perfect for images that you find within electronic books or journals.
Image within an eBook:
The best way to use the CCC is to begin at where you found the image, such as inside an electronic book.
With some eBooks in DML's collection, it is best to start at the Publisher Store. This is the case when wanting to use any of DML's Books @ Ovid texts.
Image within a journal:
The best way to request permission from the CCC tool is to begin at where the image was found, such as inside an electronic journal.
The purpose of this guide is to provide resource and information for resolving image use questions. This research guide does not supply legal advice nor is it intended to replace the advice of legal counsel.