Welcome to Dahlgren Memorial Library’s iPad Guide!
This guide contains the policy and procedure for Georgetown University Medical Center and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital patrons interested in borrowing an Apple iPad.
Other useful resources include basic instructions on using the iPads and apps.
iPads are tablet devices that are built by Apple Inc and all run on the most current IOS. The iPads have built-in apps that are an essential part of your iPad experience.
Dahlgren currently has the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini (5th generation).
To download other Apps, please go to our Medical Apps Guide (http://guides.dml.georgetown.edu/med-apps) or Apple’s App Store (https://www.apple.com/ios/app-store/)
Questions about the Circulating iPads can be directed to the DML Information Services Desk: dmlcirculation@georgetown.edu/202-687-1448