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The Graduate Health & Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University Medical Center

Psychiatry Research Guide

This guide provides an overview of the Psychiatry and Psychology resources available at Dahlgren.

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Welcome to the Psychiatry & Psychology Resource Guide!

Please note:   Many US Government websites are currently undergoing modifications to comply with President Trump’s Executive Orders.  Some sites may display an error or may no longer be active.  In those instances,  try entering the URL into the Internet Archive to view previous versions of the web site.

Psychiatry related word cloud

Image courtesy of  Scray [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Designed to provide an overview of the Psychiatry and Psychology resources available at Dahlgren, this guide will introduce you to databases, journals, books, and other tools applicable to your research.  Be sure to check out the different tabs (resources are divided into journals, databases, websites, etc.) and contact DML if you have any questions or suggestions.

Since your work may combine research and clinic experience, this guide attempts to provide resources useful in both situations.  

If you have any suggestions for additional applicable resources, please contact the librarian listed on the right.  

Psychiatry - Recent Developments

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Other Useful Resource Guides

The resource guides listed below provide information on related topics


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Linda Van Keuren
Assistant Dean For Resources & Access Mgt
Dahlgren Memorial Library, GUMC
3900 Reservoir Rd, NW
Washington, DC 20057