AI Summarize Improvements: copied text now includes reference numbers and a full list of references, including titles and URLs.
Within the basic search, there is a new AI enhancement called "Summarize". Select "Summarize" to view a summary of the top results related to the search.
This provides a high level overview. As the AI technology is still in beta, there may be inaccuracies. Below the summary, the icon to the left of the articles will indicate the sources from which the summary has been generated.
The AI Summary of top results also contains in-text numeric citations. When moused over, the title of the article appears.
If you click on the reference itself, it takes you to the actual article the information was pulled from.
Sticky Search Bar:
When scrolling through search results, search bar will remain fixed at the top of the screen. This allows for edits to the search without having to go back to the top of the page.