In order to register for a new account, follow the steps below:
First go to DML's website, and select Core Databases from within the Quick Links section. Within Core Databases, scroll down near the bottom, and select RefWorks.
Underneath the sign in boxes, select Use Login from my institution. Find and select Georgetown University and enter your Georgetown University NetID and Password.
Once you are signed into Georgetown, you will automatically be signed into your RefWorks account. At the RefWorks Welcome screen, it will ask you to provide some basic information such as your name and your affiliation with the University. Once you fill out that information your account creation will be complete.
GUMC alumni currently retain access to their RefWorks account post graduation. However, it is strongly recommended that individuals export the contents (using the "Share" functionality) of their RefWorks account to a personal device prior to graduation. This ensures that a local backup copy exists as both RefWorks and the University retain the right to change, suspend, remove, or disable alumni access.