Downloading and saving TDS Health eBook chapters to a personal computer is considered copyright infringement.
Medical and nursing eBooks. Added functionality available with personal account. Good for background and foreground questions.
In order to view eBooks from DML's TDS Health collection offline please follow the steps below:
First, download the STAT!Ref app by going to the TDS Health Bookshelf. Go to profile and select either Log in or Register.
Fill out the form provided in order to create your account.
In "My Profile", select the "Anywhere Login Account". Once you go to "Anywhere Login Account" you should see a page similar to the one below. Select "Activate/Renew" to renew your account:
Then, go to either the App Store or Google Play to finish the download process.
You should see a screen similar to the one below to view all of the texts available to you via the STAT!Ref app:
Select a needed text and expand to view the chapter contents. It will automatically download render the chapter to PDF for you. From the rendered chapter, you should see a menu at the bottom of the screen with options such as "Local contents", "Add bookmark", "Define", and "speak":
Select Bookmark to save your chapter. A message will appear with a confirmation as well as information on how to retrieve it later on:
Next, go back to the homepage by selecting the "Back" option. Select "Navigate" to see where you last were in an eBook. At the bottom of the table of contents, you should see options for "titles", "results", "Bookmarks", "alerts", and "settings". Select "Bookmarks" to view your bookmarks and saved sections:
Click on one of your favorites to read your needed section or chapter:
App version of medical and nursing eBooks. Personal accounts required. Good for background and foreground questions.